Teacher Leader Awards
Teacher Leader of the Year | https://forms.gle/kbodHCcn2Te5moDWA
This award honors an exceptional Nebraska Teacher Leader whose outstanding contributions and leadership have made a significant impact on their chapter members. The application for this award should be completed by a member of the Teacher Leader’s chapter.
Adult Leader Awards
School Administrator of the Year | https://forms.gle/NfutVAetMTtgEmgw9
Exceptional school administrators encourage chapters and help students take advantage of the opportunities offered. The School Administrator of the Year Award recognizes and honors local administrators who champion the local chapter, encourage students to pursue opportunities, and provide overwhelming support to the Teacher Leader.
Outstanding Alumni Award | https://forms.gle/pT5pqoWAMcRqoS4Q6
The Outstanding Alumni Award honors an Educators Rising alumnus who have consistently supported Nebraska Educators Rising and their local chapter after high school. Nominees must no longer be high school students and must have been inactive members of your chapter for at least one year to be eligible.